Sometimes no matter how much energy and effort is put into defending on the charge against our clients, there comes a need to prepare for sentencing.  The Indiana Federal Community Defender (IFCD) mitigation services program helps us prepare the best case we can for sentencing.  It is one of the first of its kind in the country. Our team of experts work closely with our clients and their family and friends to address the individual needs of the client facing sentencing.

We begin this process by collecting information from our clients.  Then, if necessary, we may request records concerning the client such as military records, social security records, school records, commendations and awards, medical records, and mental health records.  After combing through those records, we will frequently interview family members and friends of our clients.  In some cases, we may hire experts to evaluate our clients for various purposes.  Each case is different and we try to tailor the approach to the individual needs of each client.

Through this process we hope to present our clients to the judge in all their humanity.  No one is only the worst thing they have ever done in their life.  It is our hope to present our client as a complete person who has struggles and successes.  To the extent our clients have vulnerabilities that made them susceptible to becoming involved in the federal criminal justice system, it is our goal to provide help and resources that are supportive of continued law abiding behavior and full realization of all they can be.

Our clients are full team members and are expected to engage with us in this process so that we can procure the lowest sentence possible that addresses the unique needs of each client.  If you have questions about why your lawyer is asking for certain information, interviewing certain people, or asking you to participate in an evaluation you need to ask your lawyer to explain.  Open communication is the best way to quell your concerns about this process.

Sentencing Mitigation Resource Team

Sentencing Mitigation Resource Team

Guidelines for Letters of Support

Guidelines for Letters of Support

Federal Sentencing Guidelines

Federal Sentencing Guidelines

News That Might Affect Your Sentence

News That Might Affect Your Sentence